日本語版がすでに品切れとなった「大和伝編」を皮切りに、今秋から英語版を順次刊行。英語版は紙版とデジタル版(Amazon kindle, hontoのみ)の両方をリリースしていきます。
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One of the Trustworthy Books on Japanese Sword.
"Japanese Sword - Yamato Tradition", by TANOBE Michihiro.
The book "The Journey through the Five Traditions of Japanese Sword Making" by Michihiro Tanobe, which continues to be a long-selling reference on Japanese swords, is now available in English.
Starting with "The Yamato Tradition", the English editions will be released sequentially starting this fall. The English edition will be released in both print and digital book (Amazon Kindle only).
Book Info:
"Japanese Sword - Yamato Tradition"
TANOBE Michihiro, the auther
JPY5,500 (10% tax incl.) + Shipping fee
TANOBE Michihiro, the auther
Born in 1945 in the town of Aira (吾平町), then adjacent to Kanoya City (鹿屋市), Kagoshima Prefecture. Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities at Kagoshima Uni-versity in 1970 and became a curator at the NBTHK in the same year. Retired in 2009 after serving as head of the curatorial department, managing director, and deputy director of the NBTHK. During that time, he served as judge for the ranking of Jūyō Tōken and Tokubetsu-Jūyō Tōken, as well as for Hozon Tōken and Tokubetsu-Hozon Tōken swords, and as judge for the registration of swords with the Agency for Cultural Affairs (for the Tōkyō Metropolis re-gion). Pen name Tanzan (探山). Author of A Jour-ney through the Five Traditions of Japanese Sword Making ‒ Yamashiro Tradition (日本刀五ヶ伝の旅 山城伝編), Meihin Katanaezu Shūsei (名品刀絵図聚成), Zukan Nihontō Shūbi (圖鑑 日本刀集美), and others.
For the oversea customers, you could order the print book by email.
Please send your order request by email(info@menomeonline.com) or the order form. We'll reply to you with the total cost including the shipping fee as soon as possible.
▷ Order Form < https://forms.gle/GWYyiKKWM1gJtLGR6 >
If you want to get the digital book, please get one at the Amazon kindle in your country code. The digital book will be released by Amazon on 19 November.
Please feel free inquirying us if you have any questions.
▷ Email to: info@menomeonline.com